Estes Design provides the most thorough knowledge and skills available in stormwater infiltration systems design and construction. We have over 25 years experience in design and construction, including the first and oldest commercial pervious concrete parking lot in North Carolina to be studied by a major university.The founder of Estes Design, Chris Estes, started in the early 90's as a stream and wetlands restoration specialist. He helped initiate the stream restoration industry in North Carolina through advocacy and training while designing and constructing urban stream restoration projects. Through partnering with the University of North Carolina, Chris initiated the first urban stream restoration research projects in North Carolina. After years of research, personal observation and monitoring of these projects it became apparent that "stream restoration design" inconsistently addresses only a few of the symptoms caused by impervious surfaces. The future of our streams, lakes and reservoirs depends on stormwater infiltration and addressing the pavements themselves.
For over a decade, the founder of Estes Design has worked hands on with universities, municipalities, state and federal regulators, consultants, contractors and developers to produce science-based strategies for sustainable development.
Mission: The mission of Estes Design is to promote economical and sensible solutions within the fields of land development and professional design disciplines, related to storm water management for sustainable development, and stream & wetland restoration. Our philosophy is always design "like" nature.