Estes Design

UPDATE 2024: The City of Charlotte Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Became effective June 1, 2023

The City of Charlotte recently updated their development standards that lower the built upon area threshold (BUA) to 5000 square feet for development and re-development that cumulatively disturb less than one acre. BUA credit will be given for porous pavements whereby 100% credit can be obtained. Statewide regulations of North Carolina also provide 100% credit for properly designed and installed porous pavements unless in a more restrictive local jurisdiction.


Estes Presents " A Key Nature Based Solution, Storm Water Infiltration" - IECA 2023 Kansas City

Infiltration of rain events is a basic ecological process that has provided our communities with clean reliable water resources since the beginning of human settlement. The practice of stormwater infiltration in the U.S began nearly a century ago. Since the 1930’s monitoring of these practices have documented beyond question it’s contribution to valuable potable ground water supplies to settlements across the country. .

IECA Webinar on Grade Control and Energy Dissipation - Dec. 7 2022

Pools at culvert outlets can occur naturally in a stream as part of the “riffle-pool sequence” with culvert crossings acting as riffles. This sequence provides a dynamic check and balance system for regulating velocity and reducing erosion. Correctly sized plunge pools are self regulating and therefore maintain themselves. Pools also improve habitat diversity and serve as refuge for aquatic species during low flow periods. .

Infiltration Incentives

After more than 40 years of research documenting detrimental effects of impervious surfaces on the environment and a decade of honing our infiltration knowledge for different soil types, infiltrating pavement has become a mainstream storm water best management practice (BMP).

Built Upon Area Credit For Infiltrating Pavement,North Carolina

Infiltrating pavement such as pervious concrete that is designed and installed correctly is now considered 100% pervious statewide and is not included in Built Upon Area calculations.

Estes Presents at the Alabama Storm Water Forum

Estes will be presenting on stormwater infiltration and permeable pavement at Auburn University on May 11, 2017.

Estes Presents at the 2017 Municiple Wet Weather Stormwater Conference

Estes will be presenting on stormwater infiltration and permeable pavement in Charleston SC on May 15, 2017.

Estes Presents at Environmental Connection San Antonio TX

Estes will be presenting at the IECA Conference in San Antonio on February 2016 on reversing the History of Urban Hydrology, Pervious Concrete and Infiltration.

Estes collaborates with Auburn University

Estes has collaborated with Auburn Unversity to produce a second online course on Urban Hydrology & Pervious Concrete and Stormwater infiltration. 

Estes Presents at stormCon Austin TX

Estes will be presenting at the IECA Conference in San Antonio on Reversing the History of Urban Hydrology, Pervious Concrete and Infiltration

Estes Presents at MS4 Wet Weather Atlanta GA

Estes Presented at the MS4 We Weather Conference on Reversing the History of Urban Hydrology, Pervious Concrete and Infiltration.

B 74 Regulatory Reform Act

Estes Testified before a legistlative subcommittee co-chaired by Rep. Ruth Samuelson.